Unit 3 - Vocabulary Exercises

Exercise 2 Contradict the speaker in the sentences below. Look at the example first.

#1. A: Is he a bit fat? B: No, he’s _________.

#2. A: The water’s quite deep, isn’t it? B: No, _________.

#3. A: Their office is in quite a low building, isn’t it? B: No, ______

#4. A: Is the road very wide at that point? B: No, _________.

#5. A: It’s a fairly boring place, isn’t it? B: No, _________.

#6. A: He’s quite tall, isn’t he? B: No, _________.

#7. A: They only live in a small place, don’t they? B: No, it’s _________.

#8. Is it far to the centre of town? B: No, it’s _________.

#9. Is it a long way to the next big town? B: No, it’s _________.

#10. How far is it to a bank office? B: It’s _________.
