Unit 5 - Vocabulary Exercises

Exercise 1 Complete using the correct form of the words in the box.

#1. We used to go skating at the ice ……………………every Sunday.

#2. Keith had never seen such a large golf ……………….. until he went to Scotland.

#3. We all met at the basketball …………………….at half past three.

#4. ring

#5. For the 800 metres race, you have to run round the ………………….twice.

#6. The football match had to be calledoff because the ………………………. was flooded.

#7. Our team beat until half time, but in the second half the other team scored three goals, and so they ………….. us. But it was a greatmatch!

#8. Adrian got a new fishing ………………for this birthday.

#9. I’d spend hours putting linseed oil on my cricket ………………… to keep the wood strong.

#10. Why are hockey ……………………… such a strange shape?
