The “Karakalpak Scientific Journal” is a refereed journal that provides an authoritative source of information in the field of mathematics, physics, biology and chemistry. All the submitted articles will be reviewed by the board of committee of this Journal. The Journal is dedicated to provide high scientific quality articles, high visibility, broad readership, rigorous peer review, rapid publication and standard production and copyediting.
Requirements on printing the articles in the “Karakalpak Scientific Journal”:
1. Articles for the journal are accepted in English.
2. The article should be more than 12 pages, 14 fonts in Times New Roman, with the mathematical formulas specified in the Equation Editor. The text of the article is 1.5 interval and should be left 2 cm from the top, 2 cm from the bottom, 2 cm from the left, 2 cm from the right and pressed into the standard (A 4) paper.
3. Quotations in the article are given in figures and in square brackets. The first number represents the source, the second number refers to the source page. For example [5.65].
4. The author of the article bears the responsibility for the accuracy, correctness and accuracy of the illustrations used in the article.
5. The structure of the article is conditional: Title and Author information, Abstract, Introduction, Method or Methodology, Results or Findings, Discussion, Comments or Conclusion, References. Articles that do not meet the requirements for content and writing will not be published. Submitted scientific articles are not returned to the authors.