Unit 5 - Review

Exercise 1 Put the verbs in the correct tense. Use the simple past or the present perfect.

#1. ………… Nigina …………. (study) yesterday afternoon?

#2. ………… you ………. (send) the letters yet?

#3. ………… she ………….. (call) him a week ago?

#4. My book isn’t here. Somebody ……………. (take) it.

#5. Why ………… (Jamal / not want) to play tennis last Sunday?

#6. …………. you …………. (ever / be) in a TV studio?

#7. ………… you and Sabina ………… (enjoy) the party last night?

#8. ………… you ………. (not / finish) school last year?

#9. I ………. (lose) my English dictionary. I can’t find it anywhere.

#10. His hair looks short. He ……….. (have) a haircut.
